Thursday 7 May 2020

Choosing The Right Eye Hospital For Your Eye Problems

Our eyes, being one of the most important sense organs that we possess, any problem in them should be immediately diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. The importance of sight cannot be undermined; and even a slight carelessness and negligence may result in the harshest of conditions like loss of vision! There are a number of different types of eye problems, and you must be able to identify the problem you have so that you can walk into the right eye hospital to have your condition treated, without wasting any time landing into the wrong place. So, let us first understand the various types of eye disorders.

Best Eye Hospital in Mumbai

Refractive error

This is one of the most common eye problems seen, wherein the sight becomes blurred, making it difficult to see the sharp edges of objects, and have difficulty in reading. Refractive error could be near-sighted or far-sighted. Then, it may also be astigmatism or presbyopia. You will generally be prescribed eye glasses and some comforting eye drops in such a condition.


One very common eye problem seen in the elderly, and now in young age groups too, is the cataract, which is the clouding of the eye’s natural lens. One might feel cloudiness in front of the eyes, which he may try to remove by rubbing the eyes, but in vain! Cataracts can cause blurred vision, double vision, blocked view, and night blindness. There is no other treatment of cataracts than removing the natural lens of the eye, and replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens.


This is a condition that damages the optic nerve, which is responsible for bringing good vision. It generally affects people over the age of 60. You may experience patchy spots on the central or side vision, along with symptoms like blurred vision, eye redness, halos around lights, headache, and nausea, if you are suffering from glaucoma.


Squint is when both the eyes do not coordinate to perform together. It may affect one of both eyes. The eye(s) may be deviated from the center to look inwards, outwards, upwards, or downwards. It may begin right from childhood, or may be caused in adults as a result of a head injury, eye injury, or trauma. Squint won't help you see anything in front of you clearly, as both eyes will perceive different images.

Dry Eye

The name itself says that the condition is where the eyes go dry. This can be caused by environmental issues like exposure to air pollution, smoke, sun, and other such conditions. Too much exposure to digital screens may also cause Dry Eye. The most common symptoms include dryness of eyes, redness, itchiness, blurred vision, burning sensation, excessive tears, and sensitivity to light.

Macular degeneration

This is an age-related eye disorder, wherein one can progressively lose sight in one or both eyes. The condition starts at the center field of vision known as the macula, and spreads across the eyes with time, if not treated. Smoking can worsen the condition; and although this condition cannot be completely cured, its progress can definitely be slowed down by consulting an appropriate eye doctor for the right treatment.

Diabetic Retinopathy

As the name itself suggests, Diabetic Retinopathy affects those who are suffering from prolonged diabetes. It damages the blood vessels in the eyes, and causes distorted vision. The most common symptoms include blurred vision, sudden loss of vision, impairment of coloured vision, and poor night vision.

These are some of the most common eye disorders seen. So, the next time you feel that you are having any problems with your eyes, you can check for the symptoms, and relate to the possible condition you may be suffering from. Accordingly, you can approach the right eye doctor for treatment. Remember, you always need a specialist to treat your eyes. Thus, try identifying your possible condition and approach the relevant specialist. However, while you do so, also make sure that the specialist is a reputed and experienced one. Check for their success stories, and the number of patients they have effectively treated. You may also ask friends and relatives for recommendations, and reviews too if they have been treated by your selected eye specialist at some point in their life.

However, if you are not too sure about what kind of problem you are having, you needn’t panic. There is one solution to your problem. You can just walk into Arohi Eye Hospital, the best eye hospital in Mumbai, that houses experts from all eye-related fields, each having years of experience in treating their very own category of patients. This is one place where each of the above eye problems are addressed and treated; so there is no worry about going elsewhere!

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